I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Mine was very interesting. I was going to have to be working this morning, but then both of the ladies I work with were going home to be with their families. It was 10pm last night when I got off work, and I hadn't heard of anywhere else they wanted to put me. So, I started making plans with my husband and his family. Then, at midnight, I got a call from the On-call phone telling me they had just had a call off and needed me to work this morning at 8am. I have never missed an Easter service... ever! I actually had to work this morning. I was so bummed. Good news is that I did get off early. I got off at 12:30pm, and made it just in time to have Easter dinner with the in-laws. It was a nice rest of the day. When I did arrive to the in-laws, I saw my handsome hubby there, in a tux! He thought he would surprise me by dressing up extra nice. I sure felt underdresssed with my blue and lime top, and a jean skirt. He looked so nice, and it just made my day. I love him!
I found this poem tonight, and I just had to post it. It explains just about exactly what I feel most of the time. Life is not fair!
When do I stop?
When do I stop?
When do I realize it's enough?
Why does it have to be me who has it so tough?
There are many out there who are evil and cruel.
Yet do You burden them with an infertility curse?
A 16 year old delivers a healthy baby boy then throws him in the garbage like some old broken toy.
A drug addict has 3 beautiful little ones and beats them black and blue for nothing they have done.
A worn-out woman with already more than she can bear sighs dissapointedly when she sees two lines are there.
God give me one, just one to cherish all my days And I promise that to You I'll give all glory, credit and praise.
Make it stop this intense longing and fear.
Please give me a child that I can hold near!
Author of this Infertility Poetry Shelley Cross
I have started the last week of my medications, then I'll just be waiting for my cycle. After that I'll start Clomid to induce ovulation. (fingers crossed)
I found this poem tonight, and I just had to post it. It explains just about exactly what I feel most of the time. Life is not fair!
When do I stop?
When do I stop?
When do I realize it's enough?
Why does it have to be me who has it so tough?
There are many out there who are evil and cruel.
Yet do You burden them with an infertility curse?
A 16 year old delivers a healthy baby boy then throws him in the garbage like some old broken toy.
A drug addict has 3 beautiful little ones and beats them black and blue for nothing they have done.
A worn-out woman with already more than she can bear sighs dissapointedly when she sees two lines are there.
God give me one, just one to cherish all my days And I promise that to You I'll give all glory, credit and praise.
Make it stop this intense longing and fear.
Please give me a child that I can hold near!
Author of this Infertility Poetry Shelley Cross
I have started the last week of my medications, then I'll just be waiting for my cycle. After that I'll start Clomid to induce ovulation. (fingers crossed)
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